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Learning Experience 3

Week 3/ Lesson 7, 8, 9

This week focuses on how the Industrial Revolution changed the way people lived and worked. 

Students will examine the cause and effect of technological changes in America between the late 1700s and the early 1800s to learn about the needs of the people and the challenges that faced the nation. 

The development of transportation and communication will be the focus of this learning experience.


Learning Outcomes

Advancements lead to different experiences for different people

Resources in nature, through trade and geography are very influential in innovation

Did the Industrial Revolution make life better for everybody?

How do people, laws and technology shape a nation?


4.6c Improved technology such, as the steam engine and the telegraph made transportation and communication faster and easier. Later developments in transportation and communication technology had an effect on communities, the State, and the world.

R1.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

(Standards: 1, 3, 4; Themes: TCC, GEO, ECO, TECH)



Economics and economic systems:

Explain what necessitates decision making


Gathering, interpreting and using evidence: 

Create an understanding of the past by using primary and secondary sources. 

Comparison and contextualization:

Identify multiple perspectives on a historical event. 

Recognize the relationship between geography, economics, and history in social studies.



Time, Continuity, and Change (TCC) 


Geography, Humans, and the Environment (GEO)

Creation, Expansion, and Interaction of Economic Systems (ECO)

Science, Technology, and Innovation (TECH)

Kind of Learning

Acquisition (A)

Meaning Making (M)

Transfer (T)


  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Critical Thinking

  • Creativity



iMovie/Quicktime video of slides with voice over

In Class



Google slides for students to add their own slides and allow for collaboration

Poster and Graphic Organizers can be used in class or online on google slides.



Enduring Understanding

What the student will see/read/listen to/think about/ do

Innovation depended on the natural resources available.

Further innovation also depended on finding ways to access resources.

Students are introduced to 2 maps that show them the Americas in 1800 and 1830. 

They will analyze Map A to start

Then Compare to life in Map B

Vocabulary Focus:

Farming, Ranching, Canals are explained in English and in languages of students 

The Social studies glossary can be provided to all students as required. This will deepen understanding and encourage home language, discourse specific acquisition. 

Information about the resource

Teaching Resource

Text: NYC DOE Grade 4 Unit 5 Resource

Text: Industrial Revolution for Kids - Carla Mooney

Student Resource

Text: NYC DOE Grade 4 Unit 5 Resource

Visual Reference or Link for the resource

Why the resource is relevant to learning

Students are introduced to the idea of how natural  resources play a part in the innovation and change process of a nation. 

This allows students to compare the two maps and identify the changes between the life of people in the early1800s and 1830. 

Students will verbally list the differences they notice in the two maps and turn and talk to a partner about the changes. 

Kind of learning or assessment 



Meaning Making





Critical Thinking



Inventions changed the way people lived and worked

Students are introduced to 3 major technological advances that changed the country. 


The Cotton Gin


The Lowell Mill and other developments led to child labor.

The cotton gin created a deeper problem of Slavery in the south

The Steamboat and the eventual construction of the rail road led to the displacement of 1000s of Native Americans. 

Students will work in pairs to analyse text and supporting documents to find cause and effect relationships between these events. 

Learning: Acquisition

Step/ Experience





Glossaries in top 10 NYS languages

Text: How Machines Changed Culture. Industrial Revolution for Kids - Baby Professor

Supporting Resource:

America In The 1800s
America In The 1830s

Glossaries for ELL learners

Differentiation Resource:

Invention 1: Lowell Mills
Children in a textile mill

Student Resource

Text: NYC DOE Grade 4 Unit 5 Resource

Eli Whitney Invents The Cotton Gin

Supporting Resource

Text: Perspectives on the Industrial Revolution , Carla Mooney

Cotton Gin Changes the South
Cotton Gin

Student Resource

Text: NYC DOE Grade 4 Unit 5 Resource

Invention 3: The Steamboat

Supporting Resource

Text: Industrial Revolution For Kids: The People and Technology That Changed the World, Cheryl Mullenbach

Library Of Congress & Perspectives

Cause & Effect

How did the invention affect America and was the invention helpful or harmful?

Once students have analyzed the preceding documents they will proceed to complete the following graphic organizer. 

This activity will allow students to explore the both the positive and negative effects of progress on the nation in the 1800s


They will interpret the information presented and explain the basis for their interpretation using evidence from the maps and texts.



Meaning Making





Critical Thinking



Graphic Organizer:

Cause & Effect

Group Activity

Cause & Effect

Students work in continue their posters and add innovators into categories. 

Students will use these posters through the unit to keep adding names and will also be encouraged to add names of other innovators they know. 


Student Resource

Graphic Organizer


Poster Format Sort The Innovators Motivation

Continued from Learning Experience two, this activity will continue for the entire unit. 



Meaning Making




4 C's




Critical Thinking

Cause and Effect

Text: NYC DOE Grade 4 Unit 5 Resource

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