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Performance Task

Week 6 - 8

The transcontinental railroad will be the final learning experience for students as part of this unit. The railroad changed the landscape of the American continent, it's people, the economy and the world. 

There were a great many peoples involved in building it, and through this culminating task students will be divided into 4 groups and will react to the building of the railroad from the group's perspective. 

  • Railway builders will create an ad to promote their venture and to hire people to work on it. 

  • Passengers will write diaries about traveling this great new innovation.

  • Chinese workers will write letters home about their experiences building the railroad.

  • Native Americans will write and perform speeches, poetry about their loss

    By this point in the unit students have looked at various perspectives for a number of inventions and innovations. They have created a poster that has categorized different innovators and their motivations for those innovations. 
    They have reached a point in the unit when they can see the need for an innovation but also see the effects it might have both positive and negative. 

Students will find one modern day invention and complete a perspectives graphic organizer anticipating its effect on society.

As a final activity students will also complete the KWL chart they started at the onset of the unit. 


Learning Outcomes

Advancements originate from a strong need.


Advancements lead to different experiences for different people.


Resources in nature, through trade and geography are very influential in innovation

Why do people invent?

Did industrialization make life better for everyone?


How do people, laws and technology shape a nation?


4.6c Improved technology such, as the steam engine and the telegraph made transportation and communication faster and easier. Later developments in transportation and communication technology had an effect on communities, the State, and the world.

R1.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.


Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text. Including what happened and why. 

(Standards: 1, 3, 4; Themes: TCC, GEO, ECO, TECH)



Economics and economic systems:

Explain what necessitates decision making


Gathering, interpreting and using evidence: 

Create an understanding of the past by using primary and secondary sources. 

Civic Participation:

Identify people in positions of power and how they can influence people's rights and freedoms.



Time, Continuity, and Change (TCC) 


Geography, Humans, and the Environment (GEO)

Creation, Expansion, and Interaction of Economic Systems (ECO)

Science, Technology, and Innovation (TECH)

Kind of Learning

Acquisition (A)

Meaning Making (M)

Transfer (T)


  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Critical Thinking

  • Creativity



iMovie/Quicktime video of slides with voice over
PDF with texts

In Class


Copies from texts


Google slides for students to add their own slides and allow for collaboration

Poster and Graphic Organizers can be used in class or online on google slides.



Enduring Understanding

What the student will see/read/listen to/think about/ do

The Grandest Enterprise

Students are introduced to the Transcontinental Railroad a true engineering marvel and a testament to the human spirit. 

They will watch the PBS documentary The West Episode 5, The grandest Enterprise. 

1:22 - 12:02 Introduction

to the railroad. 

As they watch the video they will stop and jot responses to the prompts in the graphic organizer. 


Political and topographical maps will be used by students to understand the breadth of the project and it's complications.

Vocabulary Focus: Level track, lobbyist, malleable, plateau are explained in English and in languages of students 

The Social studies glossary can be provided to all students as required. This will deepen understanding and encourage home language, discourse specific acquisition. 

Information about the resource

Teaching Resource

PBS Ken Burns The Grandest Enterprise

Student Resource

Graphic Organizer - Stop and Jot

Student Resource

Maps: Historic maps: Political and Topographical Maps of the Railroad construction

Visual Reference or Link for the resource

Why the resource is relevant to learning

The documentary offers a very holistic view of this event in American and world history. 

Students can get enough background to learn about the railroad as well as be equipped to dive deeper into the history of the different segments of people involved. 

The organizer will serve as a tool so that students may be able to note down important dates and events which they can refer to as they proceed with the task. 

The "This led to.." Section of the organizer will also serve as a starting point for class discussion about 

the cause and effect of actions of all parties involved in the process.

The Maps will serve as an additional layer of information about the complexity and magnitude of the undertaking. 

Kind of learning or assessment 



Meaning Making



Critical Thinking

Step/ Experience





By Group Class Activity

Group 1: Railroad owners

Group 2: Passengers

Group 3: Chinese Workers

Group 4: Native Americans 

Each group will be provided with access to the following research materials:

1 text

1 Image

Relevant sections in the PBS documentary 

Their Stop and Jot Organizer will be available to use as required

Once students have researched in their groups they will  create their tasks.

All work will be posted on a  railroad bulletin board.


Student  Text Resource

Primary Source: Lewis Clement Assistant Engineer Central Pacific Line



Meaning Making





Critical Thinking




Stop and Jot for The Grandest Enterprise
Railroad Map
Freemont Survery Missouri to Oregon

GROUP 1: Railroad owners

Pawnee Warriors 1867
Lewis Clement

Student Image Resource

Primary Source: Pawnee Warriors 1867

Railroad Stock To Raise Funds
Railroad sells stock

Student  Text Resource

Text: Perspectives on the Industrial Revolution, Carla Mooney


Chinese  Workers

Student Image Resource

Primary Source: Image from the driving of the golden spike in Utah

Chinese Contributions
Driving of the Golden Spike

Student Video Resource 

Driving of the golden spike

Student Text Resource

History of Chinese Workers

Text: Industrial Revolution For Kids: The People and Technology That Changed the World, Cheryl Mullenbach

Chinese Workers

GROUP 2: Passengers

Student  Text Resource

Primary Source: Gretchen Schafer Diary

Gretchen Schafer Diary

Student Image Resource

Primary Source: Union Pacific Poster

Ad for Railroad

Student Video Resource 

PBS Ken Burns The Grandest Enterprise

1:22 - 12:02


Native Americans

Student Text Resource

Chief Seattle's Letter

Student Video Resource 

PBS The Grandest Enterprise

 13.30 - 17.10

45 -50

112 - 122

Analyze an Invention


Connect to the 4th Industrial revolution

Students will analyze one current invention in the field of Robotics, AI, Engineering and predict 

Student Resource

Graphic Organizer

Response Exit Ticket

This is the point when students will really show if they can transfer their learnings to something real and in their everyday life. 


Meaning Making


Final Reflection


Critical Thinking

Exit Ticket

Know Wonder Learn


The learned column is revisited at the end of the unit as part of a reflection of their learning. 

Student Resource

Graphic Organizer

KWL chart

Students will complete the learned section of the graphic organizer as a final reflection 


Meaning Making


Final Reflection


Critical Thinking

Know Wonder Learn

Assessment Resource


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